Sports World Records

1909 Records Found

06:51 United States

Longest High Five

BreakBox Productions

Caleb Jones and Jared Hunter of BreakBox Productions ran towards each other for a combined distance of 32.18 kilometers (20 miles) before slapping a high five. Jones started in Taylor, Arkansas while Hunter started in Magnolia Arkansas. They kept their high fiving hands raised in the air for the duration of the feat.

01:47 United States

Longest Paper Football Field Goal

Kelley Parker

Kelley P. hit a paper football field goal from 35 feet (420 inches) away.

21:12 United States

Most Consecutive Knee Tucks

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 1,157 consecutive knee tucks.

07:17 United States

Longest Time Juggling Three Balls Behind Back While Bicycling

Cool Juggler

CoolJuggler juggled three balls behind his back for seven minutes, 3.06 seconds while riding a bicycle.

00:57 United States

Most Concrete Blocks Broken With One Strike

Omega Force

Randy Richey of Omega Force Strength Team broke 82 concrete blocks with one single strike. He set the record during the 2016 Jacksonian Days Festival in Scottsville, Kentucky.

00:14 Norway

Highest Flying Push-Up

Ahmed Valentino

Ahmed "Iron Monkey" Kerigo performed a flying push-up using stacks of small benches 1.36 meters high. He is the founder and CEO of the calisthenics group Team Physix-Zero Gravity.

00:46 United States

Fastest Indoor Marathon By A Man Wearing A Kilt

Christopher Crawford

Christopher M. completed a 26.2-mile indoor run in three hours, 53 minutes, 51.00 seconds while wearing a kilt. He set the record as a representative for Warriors On Course, a dedicated group that raises funds and awareness by those that are affected by Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Read more about the feat here.

02:02 Georgia

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On The Spine Of A Table Tennis Paddle

Mamuka Kucia

Mamuka Kucia bounced a table tennis ball 300 times on the spine of his table tennis paddle.

01:07 The Internet

Most Ten-Pin Bowling Strikes In One Minute

Michael Hamilton

Michael H. threw 11 ten-pin bowling strikes in one minute.

08:01 United States

Longest One-Armed Chinese Push-Up Static Hold

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed a one-armed Chinese push-up static hold for seven minutes, 38.00 seconds.

01:58 Slovakia

Longest Forward Hold Using A 35-Pound Weight

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik performed a forward hold using a 35-pound weight for one minute, 18.50 seconds.

01:37 Slovakia

Longest Forward Hold Using A 45-Pound Weight

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik performed a forward hold using a 45-pound weight for 54.16 seconds.

02:19 Slovakia

Most Push-Ups While Balancing A Soccer Ball On Nape

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik performed 52 push-ups while balancing a soccer ball on his nape.

00:54 United States

Heaviest Raw Bench Press (Athlete Over 40 Years Old)

Clint Poore

Clint Poore performed a 475-pound raw bench press. He is 42 years old.

01:00 United States

Most Bar Dips In One Minute

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 66 bar dips in one minute, a RecordSetter World Record.

00:26 Slovakia

Most One-Handed Martial Arts Punches In 10 Seconds

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik performed 112 martial arts punches in 10 seconds using his right hand.

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